Human first

Know-how & Transmission
Throughout the years Marrel has developed a strong transmission culture. Transmission of knowledge, transmission of movements, transmission of values. It is thanks to this partaking that today the company has gone beyond 100 years of age! We encourage the exchange and whet our partners’ journeys to make our skills endure and keep on growing.

Dedication & Ingenuity
Innovation is not exclusive to our R&D unit… it is everywhere! Each partner holds within themself a creative potential which only asks to be valorised. We are very careful of favouring curiosity and are attentive to all initiatives.

Efficiency & Flexibility
Without flexibility, efficiency is nothing. We will stay flexible, responsive, and open to change. It is the key to a lasting achievement.

Ambition & Humility
To be a leader is to have ambition! We want to surpass ourselves and for that we give each of our partners the opportunity to reach their goals. However, to success and improve, it is also important that we keep our feet on the ground and sometimes question ourselves. Humility is integrally part of our DNA.

Marrel is its talented people that speak the best about it

Anne, Apprenticeship in Marrel since 2021
Marrel, a friendly team which has supported me as part of my vocational retraining project

Fabrice, Marrel employee since 2016
Marrel, it is more than a team, it’s a family spirit which means a lot to me

Olivier, Marrel employee since 1989
Marrel is more than 35 years of my life and just as many encounters!
Discover all our employees’ testimonies.