Home > Témoignages > El-Bouzidi, Marrel employee since 2023

El-Bouzidi, Marrel employee since 2023

Marrel, it is a nice and dynamic French industrial company


Procurement Department

  • Bilingual
  • His motto: “Be yourself, the others are already taken” (Oscar Wilde)
  • He’s a Beatles fan

El-Bouzidi, what did you drive to the Purchasing department?

I initially chose a customer-driven path, with the obtention of a two-year degree in international trade. My first professional experience was in London as a manager assistant. It helped me to have a general vision of a company and to learn how to be versatile.

When I came back to France, I had the opportunity to work in a purchasing department. This has been my very first steps in the purchasing environment, and I really enjoyed it. I decided to stay on this side.

How would you describe your job?

Being a procurer is being a 360° “background” interface. We are working both internally -operators, production schedule, customer service, spare parts department – and externally, with the suppliers involved in our manufacturing processes. My daily mission is to avoid production disruptions while reducing associated costs.

Why did you join Marrel?

I was looking for an industrial company which was favoring a “Made in France” production, with a strong human dimension.

The whole team, including all departments, are working on site. This is a real strength as we can be more flexibles – unlike other working environments in which I used to be. The company is on the right tracks, the drive and the projects are here.

How did your first year go?

I have had the pleasure to discover a great purchasing team and I have been well integrated. I got into the swing of things very quickly. In Marrel, we are two procurers in charge of more than 150 suppliers and 1600 references! It’s hard work, you never get bored, and that’s what makes it so interesting.

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